Sunday, July 12, 2020

Temple and Zampoala!!

Como les ha ido a todos!??

Happy fathers day to all dads out there but especially to my very loving and wise dad! Im so grateful for his amazing example and advice! 

It was a great week here in Huauchinango! It all started off with the trip to the Mexico City Temple!! I love this place with my whole heart, definitely gonna be a place I take the family to. The session we did was so beautiful, its been almost a year since the last time I went! I love the whole grounds of the temple. A couple days after the trip with the mission, my comp and I went back with some investigators in our zone! We got a little combi that the stake presidency provided for free and went down to Mexico with 18 people! All the investigators loved it even though they couldnt go in haha. the visitors center is something else though, it has so much information and cool ways to learn about the church! Its cool how the temple trips work here in Mexico. Instead of being in Utah where theres always going to be a temple nearby, the wards here have to plan in advance to travel in a bus to the temple! When we went on Saturday, there were busses after busses coming in with wards from all over the place! From different states too! They make it a whole party with the food break and time to go to the stores too. I am definitely planning on going back to that place.

After the session at the temple, we all went to the stake center to the side of the temple to have our last zone conference with President Kimball!! It was a great conference, him and his wife will be very much misses. We will be welcoming President Maldonado from Saltillo Mexico on the 28th!

As soon as my comp and I arrived in Huauchi, we saw this humongous mountain in the distance. Its hard to miss because of how big it is. Its called Zampoala and it is one of the biggest peaks in the state, and today we were able to summit it with some members!! It was very very steep sometimes difficult haah but we made it to the top and it was absolutely gorgeous!! It was a little bit of a bummer because of how foggy it was but I think it made it look cooler seeing all the cliffs with fog. Its a beautiful place we live in! 

Everyone needs to find time to go to the temple! Its incredible the insight and instruccion that we get as we participate in these sacred ordinances!

Elder Millard

Pic 1: This is the first thing you see as you walk into the Mexico City Temple. It was come to be the favorite painting Ive ever seen from the church. There is so much history here in Mexico and I get to live right in the middle of it! Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the people I get to teach!

Pics: Temple Trip, Zampoala!! we got to the very top of that baby

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